Webinar Recordings: Improved Delirium Management in Cardiothoracic Patients

On Wednesday, February 21st 2024, Dr. Frank Halfwerk, Technical Medical Doctor at Thorax Centrum Twente (NL), and Janis Fliegenschmidt, Resident Anesthesiology at HDZ NRW (DE), spoke during the first webinar of the 2024 series titled 'Improved Delirium Management in Cardiothoracic Patients.'
Two studies deployed DeltaScan and evaluated the improvement of their delirium management. In this webinar, the presenters shared their firsthand experiences, detailing the deployment process and presenting the insightful results they obtained.
If you have any questions regarding this webinar and/or related topics, feel free to send an email to info@prolira.com, and we will answer all your questions.
Brain Health Assessment and Improvement Program
Cognitive decline and delirium are all too common post-operative outcomes for patients over 65, leading to serious short- and long-term complications.
We present a proprietary suite of tools and services guided by experienced consultants. Our solution has been shown to improve patient outcomes and reduce the length of hospital stay for patients with cognitive impairment.